
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Health care delivery system in abroad

Nursing is a major component of the health care delivery system, and nurses make up the largest single employment group with the system. Nursing services are necessary for virtually every client seeking care of any type, including health promotion, diagnosis and treatment and rehabilitation. Because nursing is such an important part of the health care system and because the delivery of nursing services is tied to other components of the health care delivery system, the nurse needs to understand the system to most effectively delivery quality care within it.

II. Evolution of the health care delivery system
Before 1945 the US govt. was involved in HCDS. In 1945 Hill Burton act was passed providing money for hospital constructions expansion or improvement. As a result new hospitals were built in suburban and rural settings. Large urban medical centres were expanded for scientific research and technology advances.
With the passage of the medical and medical amendments to the social security act in 1965 the US government established a national and state health ensurance program for certain segments of the population.

III. Factors influencing health care delivery
The health care delivery system provides services related to health promotion, illness prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease and rehabilitation. These services are provided by many kinds of agencies in different settings.
1.Societal and consumer influences
2.Influence of new knowledge and technology
3.Economic influences
4.Political influence

IV. Types of agencies
As a result of the expansion of health care system and increasing specialization, the variety and numbers of health care agencies have increased. Services once delivered primarily by hospital are now provided in many other types of settings.
1.Out patient agencies
2.Community based agencies
3.Volunteer agencies
4.Institutional settings
6.Governmental agencies

V. The client and the health care delivery system
1.Right to health care
2.Right with in the system
3.Entry of the client to the system

VI. Financing health care services
The rapid use in health care costs has been the subject of widespread discussion. It has become increasingly difficult for people to meet these costs with their own resources and therefore government agencies and private companies have developed a variety of programs to subsidize the cost of health care
Private and group health plans
Governmental insurance plans

VII Problems with the present system
Although the health care system is increasingly responsive to the needs of the community by offering more services. But it still has a number of problems including the
1.High costs of care
2.Fragmentation of care
3.Inability to meet the special needs of the chronically ill and elderly
4.Uneven distribution of services.

Today health care system has reached to whole population. Rural people are getting maximum health services through this system. previously only small part of populations was benefied by the health facilities. This is the best alternative care peoples are receiving all over the country and it has got maximum results.
Nurses as a part of this system plays very important role, in improving the health of people.

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